Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fear: Our Greatest Obstacle

How much of your life is dominated by your fears? So many of us have allowed our fears to guide our thoughts, our actions, and our lives. I have often heard my clients tell me, "I can't do that (write a book, start my own business, go back to school, etc.) And if you believe that you can't you will be absolutely correct.

The best definition of fear that I have seen appeared on a bulletin board in a hospital. The acrostic of fear stood for this, False Expectations Appearing Real. How true is that!

I'd like to ask you to write a list of the fears you have had in the past. Now write next to each fear whether it came true or not. I have applied this to my own life. I think of the many hours that I have wasted imagining that the worst would happen. It very rarely did, or never did.

Why do we worry? If it's a waste of time, why do we spend the precious time of our lives in a useless activity? One reason we concentrate on our fears is that we believe that we can control the outcome of an event. We go on worrying believing that we will hit on the magic solution to whatever problem is upsetting us at the moment. The fact is that there are many circumstances in our lives that we cannot control.

Another reason that we worry is that we think we can prepare ourselves for the worst. And fear tells us that the worst will happen. Not only does fear not prepare you to handles situations, we waste our precious energy preparing for something that will probably never happen.

IF FEAR DIDN'T DOMINATE YOUR LIFE, WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH THE HOURS YOU NOW HAVE AVAILABLE? Well, for one thing, you could begin to enjoy your life. You could enjoy all that life has bestowed upon you.

I challenge you to begin to enjoy your life today. Look at all you have to be grateful for. Put fear in it's place. Please let me know how this changes your perspective and how it changes your life.